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Maximize the conference growth opportunities by evaluating and refining conferences post-event

The conference has concluded, but it’s not the time to relax just yet! Despite the countless hours invested in pre-planning, preparation, and hosting to attract the right audience, one of the crucial aspects of conference planning is the engagement that follows.

Sustaining the momentum and actively following up post-event is essential for fostering enduring relationships on a broader scale. Also, analyzing metrics related to post-event engagement provides valuable insights into identifying potential loyal partners or advocates. This valuable data will guide you in maintaining connections with the right individuals and determining the most effective next steps.

If you’ve ever thought about the importance of post-event engagement or questioned how to maintain audience interest after the conference, then we have the answers you’re looking for. Feel free to make an informed decision by going through this informative blog post. 

Unveiling the Influence of Post-Event Engagement: A Preliminary Overview

Have you ever wondered what transpires once a conference ends? Does the excitement dissipate into nothingness? Certainly not. This marks the start of the enchanting territory of post-event engagement. 

Post-event engagement is the fusion of art and science dedicated to sustaining connections with attendees beyond the event’s completion. It involves employing inventive communication strategies to sustain attendee interest, gather insights from their experiences, and cultivate long-term relationships.

The significance of post-event strategies lies in their capacity to maintain connections with attendees, elevating them from mere event participants to the most important members of your community. Effectively executed post-event engagement can transform attendees into advocates, keeping alive the event’s impact far beyond the confines of the venue.

Remember, the core of any triumphant event resides in the personal bonds formed between attendees and the brand. Picture an event devoid of any follow-up – attendees might relish the experience, but the memory could gradually fade amid the routines of daily life. 

Through strategic post-event evaluation and engagement, not only can the event’s recollection be kept vivid, but the relationships forged during the conference can also be fortified.

Ultimate Conference Post-Event Strategies To Enhance Conference Engagement & Growth Opportunities 

It’s time to kickstart a vital phase in the conference management cycle: crafting your post-event strategy. Regrettably, numerous planners face challenges in this domain, but we don’t want the same with you. So, continue reading to discover multiple approaches for leveraging post-event engagement strategies, ensuring sustained value and connection with attendees beyond the end of the festivities.

Develop A Post-Event Survey To Gather Attendee Feedback:

Determining the success of your conference heavily relies on gathering feedback from attendees. Regardless of whether your event reached full capacity, it is crucial to follow up with guests to ensure they had a positive experience. 

An effective method for gathering insights and analyzing them later is to craft a survey using various tools like Google Forms, Survey Sparrow, Type Form, or any other tool. Keep the survey concise, limiting it to ten questions or fewer, as shortness tends to yield higher response rates.

When sending the survey in your email, be transparent about its length, specifying the number of questions or the estimated time for completion, such as a “five-minute survey.” 

Additionally, consider incentivizing participants by offering them the opportunity to win enticing prizes, such as event-branded promotional items, gift cards, discounts, or complimentary passes to a future conference.

Utilize participant information for the development of a drip marketing initiative:

There is a chance that if you are a conference planner or marketer, you will be familiar with the concept of “drip marketing,” which involves sending a sequence of automated emails with the aim of prompting recipients to take action. 

Your strategy could involve using tailored emails to prompt attendees to engage with a blog, contribute to a non-profit organization in monetary terms, purchase tickets for the next event, buy a product or service, watch a video, register for a demo, and many more such call-to-actions. 

One of the advantages of drip campaigns is their automatability through marketing automation, which can be done using platforms such as HubSpot, Zoho, or Pardot by Salesforce or email marketing tools like MailChimp or Constant Contact. These tools can assist in personalizing emails by incorporating data such as the individual’s name or specific actions they’ve taken, like visiting a webpage.

After the conference, include attendees in an email drip campaign. While many email campaigns focus on driving sales, it’s important to strike a balance by integrating informative content and educational resources into your messaging!

Share Conference Recordings And Summaries:

Some attendees may like to share their perspectives on the conference, while others who couldn’t attend will be eager to catch up on what they missed, and some late ones will think about what happened at the conference. 

For those unable to participate or late participants, having access to on-demand recordings serves as a valuable alternative. Ideally, if you’re already equipped with an event tech suite configured for on-demand recording, you can promptly repurpose that content.

Pro tip: While it’s true that 73% of consumers prefer video for learning about a product or service, it’s essential to recognize that not everyone consistently prefers video. Some individuals may opt for written content, so consider investing in a transcription tool to generate scripts from videos or compose fresh summaries of the conference’s highlights with the help of a content writer.

Let Your Sales Team Follow Up:

Ensure that your Sales or Customer teams personally follow up if your conference aims to boost sales or customer engagement. Reach out to guests through phone calls or emails, sharing relevant information or asking for their thoughts on the event. Even though it might go against a salesperson’s instincts, emphasize the importance of offering useful, non-sales information, considering the prospect’s position in the buyer’s journey.

Wrapping Up 

In conclusion, it is hoped that you now recognize the significance of optimizing post-event engagement. By connecting with both attendees and non-attendees, you can create a lasting impact and collect valuable feedback for enhancing future conferences. Conferences are not isolated occurrences; therefore, the imperative to sustain audience engagement well beyond their conclusion remains crucial.

To know more about how IA Meetings, with its 24 years of experience handling global events and meetings, will assist you in evaluating and refining conferences, reach out to us at – +91 124 4409 350


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